“Will my daughter get through this and come home alive?” Only one thought was on Lakshmi’s mind as she took her frail daughter to CMC Vellore.
Lakshmi is a daily wage worker. Her husband was a ‘tea master’ in a tea shop in rural Vellore. The shop closed down during the pandemic. He has not been able to find a job since then. Lakshmi works hard to provide for her family. Her only daughter, Pavi, is 21 years old.
Pavi began to constantly complain of headache and pain in the stomach. Lakshmi took her to a nearby hospital for treatment. However, her pain did not stop, it kept getting worse. In a few months’ time, Pavi could not eat without immediately throwing up. She lost weight drastically and was reduced to skin and bones. Lakshmi saw her daughter shrink down to almost nothing right before her eyes.

Realising this was serious, Lakshmi rushed Pavi to LCECU. The doctors admitted her immediately as her condition was critical. Even though they were able to control the vomiting, they advised Lakshmi to go to CMC’s Main hospital for further treatment. Lakshmi was in two minds about this. “I do not have the money to go to the big hospital” she told them. “It’s easier to take my daughter home “.
The LCECU team assured her their help. With this assurance, she brought Pavi to CMC’s Main hospital. Our physicians in the Department of General Medicine diagnosed her with an autoimmune disease. She needed costly medications and rest to regain her strength.
After three weeks of treatment, Pavi was able enjoy eating her food. Lakshmi watched the nurses help her fragile daughter walk for the first time in days. Her eyes were filled with tears of joy. “It’s so good to see her back on her feet. I can’t wait to take her back home soon.”
Thanks to friends and donors like you, Lakshmi and Pavi are doing well. You can bring light and hope to a home struggling with sickness and financial stress. Your gift helps families like Lakshmi’s access the healthcare they deserve.

Donate to the Emergency Fund today!
*names changed and pictures used with consent
*Story and details contributed by the Department of Medicine and LCECU