CMC LogoTr (004)-250-250

Christian Medical College Vellore

Not to be ministered unto but to minister

Vision Statement: The Christian Medical College, Vellore, seeks to be a witness to the healing ministry of Christ, through excellence in education, service and research

If you are a citizen of another country

Currently, this website cannot accept your online donation if you are a OCI/PIO/Other Country (Non-Indian passport holder). However, you can still donate for any of our projects through the following means:

  • If you are a resident (for tax purposes) in Australia, Canada, Germany, Sweden, the UK or the USA you may find it more convenient and tax-effective to donate through our partner charity in your country. Click here for links to their websites.
  • If your country is not listed above, click here to donate through our charity partner in USA, Vellore CMC Foundation (FoV USA). FoV USA is a not for profit organization and is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3). 
  • You can donate by cheque or draft (in Rupees or any major currency) payable to CMC Vellore Association (FCRA) and send it with a covering letter to Dr. Vinoi George David , Deputy Director (Gifts & Grants)Development Office, CMC Hospital, Vellore—632 004, India. Replace with Write to or call/WhatsApp 8300205559 for any other assistance.

Donation Information

Thank you for visiting our donations website. If you would like further information about any aspect of our charitable activities, or how to donate, please complete:

Make a Suggestion or Complaint

If you have any complaint or suggestions about your treatment at CMC please fill in the following:

One person dies every four minutes on India’s roads.

Act today. You can save a life!

Support CMC’s new Trauma Care Centre at the Kannigapuram Campus