Shyla was sick. Very sick. She was diagnosed to have a thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm*, an autoimmune vasculitic condition in her case. She had learnt to live with the pain for more than 20 years. Given the complexity of the case, no doctor was keen to offer her any definitive treatment.
Shyla was in her late thirties. She and her husband, Sagar, had a six-year-old child. Sagar’s sister Mini, moved in with them to help as Shyla could no longer manage household work.
In February this year, Shyla could not move because the pain was unbearable. Sagar took her to many hospitals in Hyderabad and Chennai. All of them said the same thing, “We cannot give you an assurance on her life. With this condition, Shyla has very little time left.”

In desperation and as a last resort, Sagar brought Shyla’s reports to CMC Vellore. They were told that Shyla was critically ill. The doctors here had dealt with similar patients before, but Shyla’s case was particularly complex and risky. The aneurysm was like a ticking bomb. It could burst in a heartbeat. Despite the cost involved and her weak condition, Sagar took a risk and brought her to CMC. The team from the Cardiology Department asked them to pray, this was all the assurance they could give. The family waited anxiously for thirteen hours until the procedure was completed.**
Their prayers were answered and Shyla recovered well. Today she is back home, slowly getting back to her normal day-to-day routine. With a smile her sister-in-law, Mini says, “Shyla still cannot believe she is alive and well. Everyone said there was no cure for her condition. This is a great miracle! I have only heard of miracles, this is the first time I have seen one.”
Today is World Heart Day. Cardio Vascular diseases are the world’s leading cause of death. People living with heart disease and strokes have been particularly vulnerable during the pandemic. Look after your heart by Eating healthy, Exercising and Embracing a healthy lifestyle. #UseHeart to connect to your loved ones, your community and stay heart healthy.
Ps. Click here to save a heart today!
*An aneurysm is an abnormal bulge or ballooning in the wall of a blood vessel. An aneurysm can burst, causing internal bleeding and often leading to death.
**The procedure was an endovascular intervention done percutaneously. Fenestrations were made in the endograft to preserve blood flow into the visceral arteries.
Story and details contributed by the Cardiology Department.