Thank you
We want to thank all our friends for your overwhelming response in helping us to fight the COVID-19 Pandemic during the first wave in 2020! so
Thank you for your help in the first surge
With your generous contributions, we were able to prepare and respond to the COVID Pandemic.
You can read about the 2nd surge in COVID cases and how CMC is responding here: Join us Fighting COVID
Thank you for your help with…..
Here are a few of the things you have given us and helped us with:
Patient care
- Nearly 1,000 patients with COVID received subsidised care in September 2020 alone, at a cost of 4 Crore.
- The Good Samaritan Canteen served over 24,000 free meals.
- The Manna Midday Meal scheme gives meal tokens to patients who need them.
Buildings and Equipment
- Your donations helped us convert the terrace room above S-Ward into a brand new ICU.
- This has beds dedicated to COVID-19 patients.

- You helped Kannigapuram Hospital open as a COVID Health Care Centre with 168 beds from June 2020 to September 2020.

- Your money helped us install an oxygen concentrator at Kannigapuram.
- This ensures a constant supply of oxygen for those with COVID who need it.
- Your donations in kind and funds helped us equip and run 80 ICU beds for patients with COVID at the peak in 2020, but only 65 have ventilators.
- Generous companies, friends and alumni donated funds and equipment for new ICU beds. This included beds, mattresses, ventilators, pumps etc.
- Sadly these beds were full most of the time during the first surge. So, we are trying to add more critical care beds.

- Your donations helped ensure enough PPE to protect staff and patients.
- Several organisations donated N95 masks, face shields, protective suits etc to help with this.
- Your money helped us buy the other items of PPE for our staff.

Read our staff stories in the Messengers of Peace Anthology
Still need your help
Thank you for your help in the first surge. Sadly, 2021 has seen a huge second surge in India which means that CMC, along with many other hospitals, is being overwhelmed with patients with COVID.
We still need your help.
- We now need another oxygen concentrator at the main hospital campus.
- We also need help to treat those who cannot afford to pay all their bill.
What we did in 2020
You can read about the changes that CMC made to keep our staff and patients safe during the first surge in 2020 here:
Adapting to COVID:
2020, the First Surge